Our SMS platform has been designed as a convenient way to send SMS text messages using an online interface for businesses, large and small. SMS provides a very unique and fast communication tool that will reach the consumer wherever they are. It is a tool that if used correctly can gain instant responses, making it ideal for status announcements (eg we’re aware of a fault), or a call to action (eg your MOT is due, book it now). Our platform is capable of sending thousands of messages a minute via premium carriers from the UK. By using premium carriers messages are delivered quickly and reliably across the world.
Easy Sending

SMS messages are sent via our control panels, there is no need for third party software or plugins. Either yourself or your client can login to the control panel and from here manage phone books, originators and arrange the sending of messages wherever they may be.

With our platform you can either choose to spoof your phone number, which is ideal if you would like recipients to SMS you back. Alternatively you can set the originator to be an alphanumeric name up to 11 characters in length. This allows you to set the message to appear from a keyword or company name (eg a message appears from DENTIST).
Unlimited Phonebooks

Unlike a traditional phone which only ever has the one phone book, our platform allows you to create an unlimited number, and likewise there is no limits to the number of recipients you can add to a phone book. This can prove to be especially effective in organising and separating your clients details.
Message Logging

When a message is sent it is logged on our control panel. We also display the delivery status of each message (eg pending, delivered, failed, delayed etc). This can provide confirmation that the message has left our system, and that the customer has received it. It is provided as standard with all messages sent.
Schedule Sending

To send a message you select an originator, the recipients (entered manually or selected from a phonebook) to contact, your message, and whether you wish to send immediately or at a specific date / time. This can be helpful as reminders or as part of a planned announcement.
Pre-Paid Credits

We provide pre and post paid credit options. We recommend that you operate on a pre-paid basis. You would need to purchase credits from us and we would then assign credits to you with SMS facilities assigned to them. 1 Credit is 1 SMS message to UK mobiles
For more information you can contact us on 0333 3583100 or email us at hello@spirittelecom.co.uk